
吸沙泵 抽砂泵 田螺泵 海螺泵 泥漿泵

禹州市凱美機械制造有限公司,是生產水力挖填機組、泥漿泵、吸沙泵( 耐磨吸砂泵,河南砂泵,抽砂泵)的廠家,產品( 耐磨吸砂泵,河南砂泵,抽砂泵)廣泛適用于吸取江、河、湖底的沙漿、挖塘、清淤、造紙、陶瓷、鹽業、礦業、城鎮排污、有色金屬及洼地改造,黃金選礦,基礎工程等場所。擁有比較精密設備及比較先進的制造工藝,可靠的檢測手段。產品( 耐磨吸砂泵,河南砂泵,抽砂泵)暢銷全國各地,遠銷海外,深受廣大用戶的好評。

本廠產品,性能穩定、壽命長、能耗低, 使用、維護、安裝方便,體積小,重量輕,有無電源均可作業。

本廠重合同,守信用,零部件齊全,供貨及時,可代為用戶選型,技術指導,現場安裝調試,根據用戶需要,專業設計制造用戶滿意的產品。 歡迎廣大客戶光臨指導、來人、來函聯系,我們竭誠為您服務。

服務宗旨: 誠信服務客戶 質量開拓市場 滿足用戶需求!

YU TONG Machinery factory, locating in Fan Po township YuZhou city HeNan province, is a professional factory who produces slurry pumps, sand pumps, and machine sets for digging  and filling up the ponds. Our products are widely used in suctions of sand in rivers and lakes, digging ponds, claring up muck, paper making, ceramics as well as salt mining and other minings industry. Besides, our products can be used in pollution discharge, the improvement of basin and other basic projects. our products can be ided into nine series, including  more than 30 kinds of products Our factory possesses exact equipment, advanced manufacturing technology as well  as reasonable  measuring  methods. Our productshave been widely saled in China, and got highly praises from hundreds of thousands  of customers.

Our products have three distinguished features: 1. our products have stable performance, and a longer working lives, but consume less energy. 2. our products are in small size and light, so it is convinient to set up, use and maintain. 3. our products can be drived by electricalpower as well as mechanical power.

It is our permanent principle that contracts are honored and commercial integrity is maintained.Besides, we can also offer some other services: 1. we can supply spare parts of our products in time. 2. we can also help buyers to choose products and provide technical advice, performance teston spot. 3. we can design the very products according to your requirs.

we welcome at home and abroad customer come over and consult ordering wholeheartedly.We are ready and eager to serve you.